New nRF Connect SDK from Nordic Semiconductor with Example Software Code for Developing Alexa Based Smart Peripherals

nRF Connect SDK v1.4 from Nordic Semiconductor

Nordic Semiconductor announced the latest version of nRF Connect SDK (Software Development Kit) (version 1.4) that includes an example application software code for Alexa Gadgets. The software codes support the Alexa Gadget Bluetooth Service as well as all Alexa Gadgets interfaces, including custom events and directives, and it allows the developers to accelerate the time to market for Alexa Gadgets.


In addition to the nRF Connect SDK v1.4, before development can commence engineers require an appropriate nRF52 Series Development Kit (DK) or nRF5340 PDK (Preview Development Kit), an Amazon Echo device, an Alexa Developer account, and a registered Alexa Gadget within the Alexa Voice Service (AVS) console.


The nRF Connect SDK configuration system allows the developers to configure multiple aspects of the Alexa Gadget and it supports the build of short-range wireless and low power cellular IoT applications. The SDK enables development with all Nordic’s nRF52 Series SoCs and the nRF5340 SoC using the nRF5340 PDK.


The SDK provides an extensible framework for building a very small application in highly constrained circumstances as well as the ability to develop powerful, fully-featured software for advanced applications.


Features of nRF52 Series SoC

  • 64MHz, 32-bit Arm Cortex M4 processor
  • 2.4GHz multiprotocol radio
  • Reduced radio energy consumption, with generous Flash and RAM allocations
  • TX is programmable and sensitivity is -96dBm 


Features of nRF5340 SoC

  • 128 MHz Arm Cortex-M33 CPU with
  • 1 MB Flash + 512 KB RAM
  • 64 MHz Arm Cortex-M33 CPU with
  • 256 KB Flash + 64 KB RAM
  • Bluetooth Low Energy, Direction Finding and mesh
  • 105 °C extended operating temperature
  • 1.7-5.5 V supply voltage range
Component Datasheet